Oregon Department of Education

Updated on July 26, 2024
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Jan 2021
The big news today was that Oregon’s graduation rate jumped to an all-time high of 82.6 percent for the 2019-2020 School Year. The data also shows steady growth in graduation rates for students of color, students with disability, and students navigating poverty. In this story, PPS also mentions the importance of community partnership and how organizations like Latino Network and SEI are contributing to these improved outcomes. Great work!

Oregon Department of Education

Here are a few highlights from the data:
  • African American/Black students saw the largest increase over last year of any student group, up 5.9 percentage points to 76.3 percent. That is close to what the statewide average graduation rate for all students was four years before (76.7 percent).
  • Hispanic/Latino students graduated at a rate of 79.5 percent, up 3.3 percentage points from the previous year and higher than the statewide average was two years ago (78.7 percent).
  • Students who have successfully completed English Learner programs in Oregon before they enter high school graduate at a rate of 86.1 percent, higher than the statewide average. Speaking multiple languages improves education outcomes no matter which language a student learns first.
  • Career and Technical Education participants (those students taking at least one CTE course) graduated at a rate of 90.8 percent in four years and CTE concentrators (students passing two classes in a CTE Program of Study) had a 94.8 percent graduation rate in four years.
  • The graduation rate for students experiencing homelessness is up from 50.7 percent from the class of 2017, to 60.5 percent for the class of 2020. The class of 2017 was the first class for which this data was calculated.
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